BioHealth Innovation

BioHealth Innovation, Inc. (BHI) is a public private nonprofit organization focused on accelerating biohealth (therapeutic,diagnostic, medtech, and health IT) commercialization in the BioHealth Capital Region (Maryland, DC and Virginia). BHI’s team of expert Executives-in-Residence, in-house
venture analysts and other professional staff work not only to facilitate technology commercialization but also to raise the profile of the industry and organizations in the region, and to increase both the capital and talent with commercially relevant experience available to companies in the region. BHI’s early stage company support includes the development of commercialization plans, market research, promotion, non-diluted funding application assistance, introductions to investors, strategic partners, business advisors, and potential clients. BHI also manages wet lab and office incubator space for early stage companies, provides soft-landing support for international companies, and works with partners to host the annual BioHealth Capital Region CEO Forum and an annual (beginning fall 2018)
investor conference. For more information: